Orders, shipping & delivery

Does Kicking Horse Coffee offer coupons?
I ordered something a while ago, but it hasn't arrived yet. Where could it be?
Where does Kicking Horse Coffee ship to?
How long does it take for an order to arrive?


Does Kicking Horse Coffee have a return policy?
How do I return an item and receive a refund?
Can I change or cancel my order after its been placed?


What are subscriptions and why should I sign up?
Once I sign up can I change or edit my Subscription order?
How do I manage or change my payment methods for Subscriptions?
Can I take advantage of other discounts or promotions on my subscription order?
How many different Subscriptions can I have?

Our Products

Where do Kicking Horse Coffee’s beans come from?
How does Kicking Horse Coffee decaffeinate the beans?
Why are some beans oilier than others?
What is the best blend to use with an espresso machine?
How much caffeine is in one cup of Kicking Horse Coffee?
Is there any caffeine in the Decaf blend?
Are there mycotoxins in coffee? Does Kicking Horse Coffee test for mold and toxins?
How can someone tell when a bag of beans was roasted?
Is Kicking Horse coffee gluten/nut/dairy free?
Does Kicking Horse Coffee add flavours or additives to the coffee?
What is the blend with the lowest acidity (pH level)?
What is the grind size of your ground coffee?


What does Fairtrade actually mean?
What does Organic actually mean?
Is Kicking Horse Coffee considered bird-friendly?
Can Kicking Horse Coffee bags be recycled?